As the Fourth of July holiday week is soon to begin this weekend, law enforcement officers throughout the region are joining in a nationwide campaign to reduce the rates of impaired driving and keep others on public roads and highways safe. In a news release from the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Department, deputies will be conducting a weekend sobriety checkpoint and implementing extra law enforcement patrols to target drivers who may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
The checkpoint will take place at an undisclosed location somewhere in Oklahoma County from 11:00 p.m. Saturday to 3:00 a.m. Sunday. Deputies also announced that there would be a zero tolerance policy for violators and that they will be arrested and taken to jail.
As organizations and law enforcement agencies throughout the nation have ramped up their efforts to crack down on drunk driving, many states – including Oklahoma – have adopted an increasingly common tactic to arrest and convict impaired drivers. Sobriety checkpoints are essentially stations set up by law enforcement officers on roads and highways to intercept drivers who may be driving under the influence. Officers will check drivers for signs of intoxication or impairment and will also ensure that they have a valid driver’s license.
While many oppose the use of DUI checkpoints, they are on the rise. According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, 38 states and the District of Columbia conduct checkpoints. In Oklahoma, sobriety checkpoints are conducted periodically throughout the month and are upheld under state and federal Constitution. As DUI checkpoints are here to stay in the Sooner State, local residents should be aware of their rights and the DUI laws in place.
Under state law, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs or with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 percent or higher. While convictions for a DUI can vary depending on the type of charge and one’s prior criminal history, the penalties are often severe. With hefty fines, possible terms of imprisonment, probation, community service, court ordered classes, and driver’s license suspensions, these consequences have the potential to devastate one’s personal, professional, and financial well-being.
Driving under the influence is a serious criminal offense. Despite an arrest and formal allegation, you are still considered innocent until proven guilty. As such, you have every right to defend yourself and challenge the government’s case against you. By working with a team of experienced Oklahoma DUI lawyers you can obtain the representation and support you need to secure evidence that supports your side of the story. Our legal team has handled numerous DUI cases – ranging from first time offenses to multiple DUIs to felony DUIs – and we have the insight, tools, and resources to fight on your behalf. Do not be led to believe that there is nothing you can do to beat your DUI allegations. Learn more about your case and the charges you face and find out how AMA Law can help protect your future.