Whether it is your first offense or you have been charged with multiple DUIs, it is important to understand Oklahoma’s law and the legal procedure you’ll have to take after being charged. In Oklahoma, non-commercial drivers over age 21+ are considered legally drunk when they have a blood alcohol level of .08 or higher. The penalties for getting a DUI in Oklahoma differ, depending on the severity of your particular case and numerous other factors.
What Is a DUI?
As you may know, a DUI stands for ‘driving under the influence’. Also referred to as drunk driving, operating under the influence, or drinking and driving, thousands of people find themselves faced with a DUI charge each year in the United States. While this is undoubtedly a very serious crime that should not be taken lightly, there are certain cases where the person who is being accused of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol may be able to fight the charge. In some cases, the arresting police officer did not follow proper protocol or the person in question may be able to prove they were not over the legal limit.
What Are The Penalties For a DUI?
The penalties for driving drunk in Oklahoma are as follows:
- First-time offense – The individual may face 10 days to one year in prison and is subject to pay a fine of up to $1,000. First-time offenders must also participate in a substance abuse assessment and evaluation and will have their driver’s license revoked for 180 days.
- Second DUI within 10 years of the first – An individual who is charged with a second DUI within 10 years of the first will face one to five years in prison and is subject to pay a fine of up to $2,500. They must also participate in a substance abuse assessment and evaluation and may have their driver’s license revoked for up to one year.
- Third DUI – Someone who finds themselves faced with their third DUI charge will face one to seven years in prison and must pay a fine of up to $5,000. Third-time offenders will also have to perform 240 hours of community service and use an ignition interlock device. If the third charge was within five years of the prior offenses, they will lose their driver’s license for up to three years.
- Four or more DUIs – A person who commits four or more offenses will be faced with one to 10 years of jail time and is subject to pay a fine of up to $10,000. They will have to endure one year of supervision and periodic alcohol testing, as well as complete 480 hours of community service and use an ignition interlock device.
A DUI crime is extremely serious in the state of Oklahoma. However, a DUI lawyers may be able to help you and have your charges lessen or dropped. At AMA Law, we understand how devastating and life-changing a DUI charge can be. We have represented numerous individuals throughout the state of Oklahoma, helping them to understand the charges against them and doing everything in our legal power to lessen the penalties associated with the DUI charge. If you find yourself faced with a DUI and are in need of legal representation, please do not hesitate to contact a DUI lawyer from AMA Law today. We will do our best to represent you and ensure this charge does not haunt you for the rest of your life.